Marie Poppins December 27, 2019

Do you have yellow feet problems and you are looking for several recommendations to help you deal with this disease? A yellow glow over not only your feet but also on the rest of your skin, can be a sign of anaemia. Have you been experiencing a rapid heartbeat, hair loss, headaches, pain in your chest, fatigue, brittle nails or shortness of breath in addition to the yellow colour? Then it would be wise to increase your iron intake. Iron tablets remedy anaemia fairly quickly in most cases.

Possible Yellow Feet Causes : Yellow Nails: This condition is more of a symptom than a direct cause of yellow discoloration. Yellow nails often are seen with respiratory diseases and lymphedema. Along with the nailbeds turning yellow, other signs may include a dark coloring of the fingernails, cuticle detachment, and swelling.

Fungal foot infections can be persistent and hard to treat, but they are rarely life-threatening. When a rash, itchiness, and flaking develops between the toes, it is most often related to an all-too-uncommon condition known as athlete’s foot (tinea pedis). The fungus thrives in moist environments such as gyms and saunas and can flourish in sweaty socks and shoes. It is highly contagious and can be readily spread through contaminated floors, towels, or clothing.

A callus is a thick, hard area of skin. It can often appear as a yellow, flaky, or waxy patch. Calluses develop on the skin as a response to pressure or friction. Calluses typically form on the feet, usually as a result of a person wearing ill-fitting shoes or spending long periods standing or walking. Calluses are not a cause for concern, and they do not generally require treatment. If they are bothersome, however, people can usually relieve discomfort and remove the callus by: wearing comfortable, well-fitting shoes, using protective shoe inserts or pads, softening the callus in warm, soapy water, filing down thick skin with a pumice stone, applying callus-removing medication to the foot. Discover extra details on Yellow feet.

How to Treat Yellow Feet: Home remedies may be effective at treating less severe cases of yellow feet. Consult with a physician if you suspect that your discoloration is caused by chemical poisoning or chronic health conditions. Apply a potato paste to the feet to get rid of yellow coloring. Boil potatoes and mash well. Rub on the feet until mashed potatoes are cold. Repeat daily until a normal color returns. Limit consumption of yellow-colored vegetables and carrots.