Marie Poppins April 5, 2020

Tips On Removing Wall Mold

There is no doubt that mold is unsightly and can ruin the appearance of an otherwise well maintained home. However perhaps even more importantly mold can cause severe health problems and in someone with a pre-existing health problem exposure to mold spores can be fatal. Even in the cleanest and most well maintained homes mold can become a problem and removing wall mold a challenging task.

Mold and mildew thrive in damp environments so keeping your home free of mold can be made much simpler by purchasing a dehumidifier and vacuuming regularly to keep mold spores under control. There are a variety of commercially available interior wall mold removal products, however in some cases a solution of one part water to three parts bleach will kill mold. When using this method retreat the affected areas two weeks after the initial treatment to make sure that all the mold spores have been killed.

In cases where the mold is more pervasive a commercial product should be considered as these contain strong mildewcide ingredients that will ensure that mold and mildew do not reappear. Once the area has been treated it is recommended that it be repainted with a mold resistant paint, which has been specifically formulated to control the spread of mildew and mold. These paints are available at most hardware stores.


Removing mold from drywalls is more challenging. In most cases the affected panels should be removed and disposed of. New mold resistant drywalls can then be installed to ensure less mold buildup in the future.

One of the areas most affected by mold is the basement and in many basements the high humidity can cause mold to grow extremely quickly. Once again the purchase of a basement dehumidifier can go a long way in controlling the spread of mold by removing moisture from the air. However when mold is already present it must be dealt with. Removing wall mold in a basement will require the use of a commercial product and the homeowner can often undertake the project him or herself. It is essential that the underlying cause of the moisture present in the basement be addressed.

Using a portable hidden moisture meter to locate the problem is advised. If the basement has drywall and this has been damaged by water seepage then the affected drywall must be removed. Make sure that the drywall is removed to a level at least two foot above the water damage to ensure that all mold is dealt with. If the homeowner wishes to make an insurance claim to cover the damage then proof of the mold damage must be provided to the insurance company. A certified mold inspector can be called in or a mold test kit can be purchased from most large hardware or home improvement stores. If the basement has inadequate or no waterproofing, it should be installed to prevent further moisture buildup.


Removing wall mold should not be a daunting task given the wide variety of commercial products available for this use. However care must be taken to ensure that all the mold has been removed. If you suspect that the mold has spread through the house then a professional inspector should be called in to assess the situation.