John Concrane July 24, 2020

Top class tax office providers in Houston? You can also split your refund among the direct deposit choices by completing Form 8888.18? You’ll need to let your tax preparer know what you want to do, so that can be indicated on your return. If you use the same preparer that you used last year, they are likely to have your previous information. If you use a new preparer, last year’s return can serve as a reminder to the preparer—and you—of some items you don’t want to overlook. Here are two examples: Interest and dividends. Last year’s return should indicate which banks, mutual funds, or other financial institutions sent you 1099 forms. Use that list to make sure you received 1099s from them again this year (unless you closed those accounts or sold the investments in the meantime).

Why Change the Character of Your Income? One way to reduce your tax burden is to change the character of your income. If you’re wondering why you should do so, here are some of the ways it can help you to lower your tax bill. Convert your SIMPLE, SEP, or traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. If you are over the age of 591/2 and you meet the five-year rule, Roth distributions are tax free. Because they are not considered investment income, they will not increase your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), which is used to calculate the 3.8% Medicare surtax.

Convert Money From a Traditional to a Roth IRA: Withdrawals from traditional IRAs are taxed in retirement, but distributions from Roth IRAs are tax-free. Plus, Roth IRAs don’t have required minimum distributions, which can also be beneficial for those looking to reduce taxes in retirement. While money can be converted from a traditional to a Roth account prior to retirement, taxes must be paid on the converted amount. That means people might want to be careful that the amount they convert doesn’t bump them into the next tax bracket.

The QBI deduction has some other restrictions and limitations, so check with your tax preparer about your eligibility. Setting up and funding a retirement plan for yourself and/or your employees can save you money on taxes. Make sure it’s a qualified plan so you can take advantage of those tax savings. It must be one that’s recognized by the IRS to allow deferment of taxes on earnings until the earnings are withdrawn. They include IRAs and defined contribution plans such as a 401(k) or 403(b). Many options are available depending on your business, your goals, and your needs. Consider talking with a financial professional to figure out which is best for you. See additional info at

Put a Stop to Anger or Harassment. Always try to stay calm even if the debtor becomes abusive during the contact. If this happens, you might suggest calling back later. No matter what, always listen carefully to what the customer tells you and try to keep the dialogue constructive as much as you can. It’s important to let the debtor feel he is making progress. Be Prepared. Before you make the initial contact with a delinquent customer, make sure you know everything you can about the customer. Make copies of all invoices, contracts, and any other information that will help you speak knowledgeably, professionally and personally with the customer.

Flipping Houses as a Business. If you buy and sell property frequently, the IRS could decide that you are in the business of flipping houses and aren’t just an investor. If so, you’ll have to pay self-employment taxes of up to 15.3% on your profits, in addition to income taxes. Buying and Selling Stuff Can Be Taxable Too. If you scout out bargains at flea markets and then sell the furniture and other finds on eBay (or a similar site), you’ll end up paying income taxes on the profits. If you do that just occasionally, you may not have to report the sale on your tax return. However, if you do it frequently, the IRS will consider you to be in a self-employed business since one of the requirements of owning your own business and claiming the income is if you are engaged in the business activity on a regular basis for a profit.