Patrick Moreau August 4, 2020

Best car service book online Reading? Ask questions. Lots of them. Don’t be intimidated. Ask questions about why something needs fixing or how a technology works. As the customer, you have a right to become more educated about your vehicle. Request Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts. Whenever parts need to be replaced, be sure to request genuine OEM components rather than generic pieces. Maintaining exact manufacturer specifications is important in achieving optimum performance. The low-price allure of aftermarket parts often prompts customers to forgo OEM quality, but spending the extra dollars on factory-approved equipment now can make a big difference down the road, especially in terms of vehicle longevity.

Although the lights might not seem like a big issue for car owners, it’s important to have these function properly for safety. Make sure you take the time every few months to inspect the lights of your car. This is one of the easiest and cheapest car maintenance tips you can do yourself. While your car is parked, test all of the lights such as tail lights, brake lights, headlights, and turn signals. Ensuring all the lights work properly on your car will ensure your safety and save you from getting a ticket.

If you use a regular garage or test centre, they may keep a record of your MoT due date, and can send out MoT reminders if necessary. However most people have a rough idea of their vehicle’s MoT expiry date, as it’s become such an intrinsic part of car ownership. The most recent major change to the way MoTs work came in May 2018, when a new fault grading system was introduced. Faults are now categorised as Minor, Major and Dangerous – with the latter two equating to an automatic test fail. Cars with Minor faults will pass the test, but their MoT certificates will clearly show that the car passed the test “with defects”, urging owners to effect a “repair as soon as possible”. Read even more info on Car Servicing Reading.

Depending on what type of car you drive, it’s easier to pick out any faults and take care of them before they grow into larger problems. For hatchbacks and saloons used by the family, all you need to take care of is the Car Engine Oil Change Reading. If you drive a crossover or a 4×4 and your driving takes you off road or on a trail often, give the steering and suspension a few checks every now and then and drop it off for a service when its needed. Sports Cars tend to demand more attention, but they also come with several terms and conditions. If you’re comfortable working with cars, you can always try to do the small bits yourself, For everything else, the servicing guys will be more than happy to take over.

An MOT involves dozens of checks on your car, ranging from the brakes and fuel system to lights, mirrors, seatbelts, windscreen wipers and exhaust system. You can also get an MOT done at a local council test centre. These test centres don’t normally carry out repairs as well as MOTs. It doesn’t cover the condition of the engine, clutch and gearbox. To find your nearest authorised MOT test centre, visit these websites. How long does an MOT take? An average MOT test takes between 45 and 60 minutes, but there are a couple of other things to take into consideration.

An MOT is a legal requirement after three years. Without it your insurance is invalidated, and you could be fined. There’s another important aspect to the MOT. It proves that your car is roadworthy, and safe to drive. Vehicles have a lot of stresses put upon them. As they age the chances of parts wearing or failing increase. An MOT test can help to spot problems before they occur. Call Reading Service & MOT Centre today. We perform fair and thorough MOTs for all cars and motorbikes. Discover additional info at