Marian Vasilescu December 9, 2020

Attorney advocates of America reviews : best bankruptcy services firms? Attorney Advocates of America Works With Timeshare Owners Like You To Eliminate Your Costly, Unwanted Timeshare(s), Legally And Permanently. We Protect Our Client’s Rights. Attorney Advocates of America’s proven, results-driven Timeshare Cancellation program will end your timeshare contract once and for all. We help clients from coast to coast relive themselves of debt. We are a licensed debt relief law firm. We also specialize in contract law, the FDCPA statute and other regulatory statutes as it relates to real estate and timeshare sales. We will first demand a production of all documents as allowed for under federal statute. Subsequent to our findings we will demand immediate release from your timeshare membership and help you get out of your contract completely legally, ethically, and easily.

Looking for more Attorney advocates of America reviews? At least one Judge in the State of New York has addressed this problem and cited case law as to the burden of the party seeking to foreclose to demonstrate that they have the legal right to do so, and absent such proof, a foreclosure action may not be brought. The legal premises of the New York cases are common in other states. Now here comes some bank as Indenture Trustee for the Registered Security Holders of Collateralized Mortgage Obligation Loan Trust Series XYZ-2006 (or some other equally complicated name) seeking to foreclose on your mortgage by filing a lawsuit where they claim that the original Note and/or Mortgage is or was “lost”. This is most likely an absolute falsehood in cases of this type, and for the attorney to represent to the court, in a written lawsuit, that the originals of the Note and/or Mortgage were “lost” is not only fraudulent itself but also constitutes a fraudulent attempt to manufacture a foreclosure case which could not be legally brought in the first instance.

Attorney Advocates of America was established as a full service debt relief law firm. This allows our firm to perform a case evaluation to best determine the correct course of action to be taken in a given matter. Our primary mission is to assist clients resolve and mitigate debt. The debt we handle for our clients covers a wide spectrum, such as; mortgage debt, unsecured and secured debt as well as business debt. When dealing with debt we endeavor to develop a financial strategy for the client.

How things have changed. The United States Congress enacted the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act with the primary purpose of protecting consumers from collectors which go to far in their collection practices. Most consumer have no concept to what degree they are protected. As an Attorney I can stop all collectors and collection calls (with the exception of mortgage related debt) dead in their tracks. If you are receiving calls where you think your rights may have been violated please call me today. If you desire to stop the phone calls immediately I provide such a service. Please do not put yourself through the stress, I can help you now. Find more information on Attorney advocates of America reviews.

Stay abreast of new laws that may affect your bankruptcy filing laws.Bankruptcy law has changed substantially in recent years, and it’s important to stay up-to-date to ensure that you file properly. Your state’s website should have up-to-date information that you need. As mentioned earlier, there is always the opportunity to file for personal bankruptcy. However, it has detrimental effects on your credit, so this should not be your first choice A person who becomes well informed in regard to personal bankruptcy will avoid a great deal of stress and will be better prepared to defend valuable belongings from seizure.