Patrick Moreau December 19, 2020

Top liver function tests? LDL VLDL Triglyceride and cholesterol are bad for our body while HDL is good for our health. Iron test is ordered to check the level of iron in the body whereas Total Iron Binding capacity or Transferrin do let us know about the binding capacity of iron as iron transport occurs through this protein. As the Transferrin is produced by the liver so inadequate level of it can mark liver injury. It’s very important to keep a regular check on it prevent long term consequences. Glucose is metabolised by the liver and kidney by gluconeogenesis .Altered level indicates the liver and kidney compromised function. A blood specimen is required to perform this test.

If you are Sweating, Dizziness, palpitations, Urinating more than usual, feeling fatigued all the time, feeling irritated, difficulty in vision, feeling hungry all the time, losing frequent weight, low mood, slow healing of wounds, numbness, or tingling sensations in the body and some time symptomless. If you are having the above symptoms get yourself tested immediately.

IronTotal and Total Iron Binding Capacity: This test is performed to check the level of iron and the Transferrin i.e a protein that promotes the binding of iron. Both the level of iron and transferrin are necessary to enjoy optimum health because iron is an important constituent of hemoglobin that constitutes our red blood cells. Low level of iron can lead to anemias and compromised health in individuals and can cost us the loss of life if remained unchecked for some time. That is why an individual must keep a check on the level of Iron and Iron binding capacity.

Periodic blood testing is one of the most important ways to evaluate your overall health. Our General Wellness test is a panel of blood tests that would help understand overall wellness of a person. CBC – complete blood count test can be used to evaluate overall health, it gives insights into count of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets this will help identify conditions like anemia & infections. Potassium – helps muscle function, nerve signals and fluid balance. CO2 (carbon dioxide, bicarbonate) – helps balance PH of blood. Chloride – helps regulate acid-base balance. BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) – is a waste from kidneys, its level rises in blood when kidney function decreases. MPV – help measure average size of platelets. A high number could associate with different types of cancer. Differential (Absolute and Percent – Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, and Basophils) – this test evaluates the ratio of each type of white blood cells in your body. This test is done to diagnose inflammation, leukemia, anemia or infections. Discover even more information on how to test thyroid.

Today, most states allow patients to have direct access to labs. I had the idea to make the process more accessible with the help of technology. In this way, it is much less expensive than to go directly into a lab for needed tests. That is why I founded Low Priced Labs. We handle lab orders from major labs to bring you the convenience you need to get your blood work done and results back in a timely manner. How It Works: 1) Choose a lab near you and choose the test you need to perform from the website. 2) Go to that lab and get the test done quickly. 3) You will be notified as soon as the results are ready, and view them confidentially online. 4) In certain cases where the law demands, our doctors will call you with the results and discuss with you privately.

MMR Panel IGg (Mumps, Measles, Rubella): This test is used to check the immunity status of an individual against Mumps, Measles, and Rubella. A blood sample is required to perform this test. The presence of certain antibodies provides us with information on whether this individual is immune or Vaccinated. Varicella-Zoster Virus Antibody IGg This test is performed to check your recent exposure or immunity against the Varicella Zoster virus which causes Chicken Pox in an individual. We do measure the IGg antibodies in blood to predict the status of an individual. Find extra info on