Marie Poppins September 5, 2021

Top duct cleaning company Chicago, IL today? Make a natural scented vinegar cleaning product to help around the house: Mix one part white vinegar with one part water to make a basic household spray (great for anyone suffering from allergies as it’s so gentle). Can’t stand the ‘fish and chip’ smell? Add some fresh herbs to the mixture – sage is particularly clean smelling, but you can experiment with anything that’s growing in your garden really.

Blot the area with the soda on a cloth. If that doesn’t work, mix one part white vinegar with one part water and pour it into a handheld sprayer. Spray the solution on the entire stained area and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes to soak in. Then press a clean sponge onto the area to soak up the solution and the stain. Tarbox says you may have to repeat this process to eradicate the stain. Once the stain is gone, rinse the spot with warm water. Use your hand to brush the carpet strands into their natural direction. Finally, lay white paper towels over the area and weigh them down with something heavy, like a phone book. The towels will absorb the dampness from the carpet. Leave the towels in place until the carpet is dry, usually about one day.

Germs spread all too easily in a busy household. We understand how important it is to make sure the home is sanitized, and we can help. We will sanitize the surfaces in your home so you have less to worry about. This includes deep cleaning throughout your household, and paying special attention to high traffic and high touch sufaces and areas. See extra info at pressure washing Chicago. My story begins by saying Thank You, to my customers who have supported me. When I started this business I knew I had skills, energy, and drive to go above and beyong to create a loyal customer base. I cultivated my business through good work and a willingness to become a one stop shop. I was eager to find a way to fix anything I could, and do it right the first time: Customer satisfaction was my goal. As the years have gone, I have learned that the biggest promise I could make is to value my customers. Their trust in me has allowed me to better service their needs and tailor the work within their time frame.

Anti-microbial treatment: The cleaning itself will kill most mold, mildew, yeast and other microbes, but it is practically impossible to kill all of them. The anti-microbial treatment creates a hostile environment for these microbes to reproduce and spread and will help control odor problems, extend the carpet’s useful life, and provide considerable relief to allergy sufferers. Anti-static treatment: Static electricity often becomes annoying in the winter, when heating systems dry out the air in our homes. Carpet manufacturers have responded by developing new finishes, fibers, and backings that prevent the build-up of static electricity. If you are having a problem with your carpet, the easiest, best, and healthiest remedy is to increase humidity with a humidifier.

Some cleaning tips: Most rental machines weigh more, hold more water and come with a wider wand than purchased models, making them useful for larger, high-traffic areas. Purchased models are usually smaller, more portable and easier to store. They’re good for spot cleaning and are easier to drag up and down stairs. Whether you rent or buy, avoid damaging your carpets and make your cleaning last longer by following our how to clean carpet tips. Discover extra info on