Marian Vasilescu May 20, 2024

Top silver mineral water provider: Welcome to GoldenGevity, your trusted destination for cutting-edge colloidal silver solutions that promote holistic health and immune perfection. We take pride in pioneering the “Atomic Particle Extraction Process,” revolutionizing the world of colloidal silver production. The significance of the Atomic Particle Extraction Process cannot be overstated. The potential ramifications stemming from this groundbreaking discovery are truly remarkable! What do Colloidal Elements have to do with Premature Aging? The answer is that many of the elements are necessary for our health and well being. At present most scientists studying colloidal silver are focusing on industrial applications and disregarding practical uses for human health. A quick search on the internet will show many articles with colloidal solutions being used for industry. See additional information on buy silver mineral water. Enhanced Immune Support: The high concentration of atomic colloidal silver which can range from 2000 to 12,000 PPM effectively supports your immune system, helping you stay healthy.

Alchemist from the middle ages spent years if not a lifetime in discovering the secrets to a long life as well as immortality. They worked with many elements in an attempt to discover their antioxidant properties, as well as find solutions to many health problems in their time. They found that noble metals such as gold and other elements to help in slowing down the aging process. Consequently, our modern Pharmaceutical Industry has been created, on their ‘borrowed” information and or processes. Could noble metals be the key to immortality and even a longer life span?

Colloidal gold also known as nanogold consist of small, microscopic gold particles suspended in distilled water or any other liquid. It appears as a red or yellow colored liquid and can be safely used both internally as well as externally. The tiny gold particles from the colloid penetrate through the cell membranes easily and work effectively towards providing relief from the symptoms of several health disorders. A few benefits are stated below: Anti-inflammatory properties – Colloidal gold is used for bring relief to joint pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, and tendinitis. Products with colloidal gold – Ultimately, colloidal gold does appear to have a positive effect on mental and physical health. The following products are best used for spiritual needs or as health and beauty supplements.

The TrueColloidal is optimized with trace levels of elemental silver, which prevents bacteria and biofilm from building on the surface of the ceramic core, thereby prolonging its useful life and maintaining its continuous purification capabilities. Silver also promotes the ionic exchange or “magnetic effect” to attract and adsorb the many contaminants found in tap water into millions of binding sites found in the Pod’s highly porous core and eliminated. When submerged in water, the silver ions deactivate all microbes the Pod comes into contact with, including viruses and bacterias. Virus or bacterias can enter your drinking water from a variety of pedestrian measures, including dirty faucets, an airborne droplet, touch, or backwash. Unlike charcoal filters, TrueColloidal’s technology stops bacteria and viruses from entering your water by dismantling them immediately upon contact.

Energy boost – As a dietary supplement, colloidal gold may provide an energy boost or even improve libido. How much colloidal gold should you consume? The FDA does not provide a specific recommendation for how much colloidal gold people should take. Therefore, dosages vary widely across studies and individual preference. But the consensus is a teaspoon of colloidal gold per 70 pounds of body weight. This depends on a variety of factors, including age, preexisting conditions and general health.

The Benefits of Pure High PPM Atomic Trace Mineral Colloidal Gold ​- Monatomic Gold and similar elements, such as Platinum, Iridium, Rhodium, and Ruthenium, when transformed into powder, often resemble baking flour. Typically exhibiting a white powder look, these powders can also appear in shades like pale lavender, light green, or reddish orange due to the unique nuances in their creation process. For millennia, skilled alchemists with profound knowledge and mystical training have crafted Monatomic Gold. These pioneering chemical engineers, serving under the patronage of Pharaohs, Emperors, and Kings, faced dire consequences for failure. See more information on

Supports burn and wound healing – Colloidal gold may promote cellular generation, which aids in healing surface wounds, burns, and even deeper tissue damage. That’s part of why it’s such a prominent ingredient in many topical skincare products and extracts. Not only that, but it’s been shown to have antibacterial properties, which decreases the risk of infection. Topical usage may also help treat rashes and certain skin conditions such as Eczema.