Marian Vasilescu May 21, 2024

Top skin care producer: Facial masks are one of my favorite skin care products. They’re easy to apply, fun to use and are great at delivering results. My favorite thing about applying a good facial mask is the feeling of tightened and toned skin after a single use. Should everyone use a facial mask? Absolutely. Facial masks are the perfect skin care treatment to help you with your skin care concerns. The right facial mask can help hydrate skin, remove excess oils and help improve the appearance of your pores. They’re also an excellent way to help pull out impurities. Another advantage of wearing a facial mask: the feeling of being pampered like you’re at a spa from the comfort of your own home. Find even more information at skincare facial mask manufacturers.

Avoid over cleansing. If you feel you need a good cleanse during the middle of the day, then use a soothing face wipe or a towelette. A face mist should be used before serum and moisturizer. This will plump and refresh the skin. Just spray by keeping it at a distance of about 8 inches from the face. Tone and moisturize your skin: Oil free and light weight serum and moisturizers are what your skin needs this summer. Use a serum for the inner glow and a moisturizer for trapping in the hydration and giving your pores an extra dose of nourishment. Take good care of skin during summers, avoid over exposure, and try to stay cool and avoid humidity. Good care of skin is the only way to restore the natural balance and good health of your skin.

Yet another wonderful product on anti aging aspect is undoubtedly papaya. Papaya is known to give an instant glow on the skin. due to the enzyme papain and skin lightening features. Rub papaya slices on the face to even tone the skin and to fade the age related dark spots. Healthy skin, how to understand it? If there is a natural glow on the skin, then your skin is smooth and normal. Naturally beautiful and radiant skin requires special skin care (Skincare Regime). It is effective if you take care of your skin before going to bed. Some beauty tips need to be followed to maintain the radiance and beauty of the face. By the way, makeup must be removed before going to bed at night. In fact, all the skin repair work is done at night. Removing makeup with the help of a good makeup remover is most important when creating a skin care routine.

Dry your hair with a t-shirt. Towels can be really harsh and cause breakage on wet hair so use a t-shirt instead as it’s much gentler! Keep a mini hair brush in your handbag at all times – you’ll be grateful you have it and use it more than you think. During winter my feet get really dry and cracked which isn’t cute at all. I add a bit of Vaseline to the dry parts, put some socks on, and by morning they feel and look fabulous. I keep a bottle of my body moisturiser in the shower. I wait until my shower is finished and then I apply the moisturiser all over my body just before getting out of the shower, as it seems to apply far easier on wet skin.

On December 21, the Chinese Cosmetics Industry and Commerce Summit Meeting & 2019 Annual Meeting of Cosmetic Newspaper hosted by Cosmetic Newspaper ended successfully. At this annual meeting, the brands and enterprises were awarded for their contribution to the prosperity and development of Chinese cosmetics industry in 2019, and many industry bosses were invited to share with their peers. In this grand event, Nox Bellcow ranked the first among the top 10 Chinese cosmetics manufacturers in 2019, and its strength was recognized by the industry again. In the aestheticism lecture on December 20, Mr. Fan Zhanhua, CEO of Nox Bellcow, shared the theme of “The Best Opportunity to Create a New Brand Has Come”. See extra information at

Since our establishment, according to media reports in the industry, and according to the ranking order as regards to income revenue, our ODM scale is currently rank no. 4 in the global cosmetics market! And we are No. 1 in Chinese cosmetics ODM business! Owing the World’s facial mask capacity, we also rank the 1st! November, 2016, we got the qualification recognized by Chinese High-Technology Enterprise. In 2019, NBC merged into Fujian Green Pine Co, Ltd. listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Double innovations — the carrier membrane material and the formula: The development and promotion of nano-level skin care products cannot be separated from strong technical support. At the Conference, Vice-president Qiu has showed the guests nanofiber membrane technology enabling NBC to be closely linked with regenerative medicine cosmetology. Featured with double innovations — the carrier membrane material and the formula, this technology improves the carrying efficiency of skin care components through nano-carrier, releases the effective components into the skin, and achieves the “transdermal” skin care effect through further diffusion.