Amelia Whitehart June 8, 2024

Moissanite engagement rings US online shopping right now by Beverly Diamonds: Many diamonds in stores and online will already have a GIA grading report, which you can ask to see prior to purchasing. Your diamond’s report should also be given to you once you complete your purchase. Do “GIA certified” diamonds cost more? Again, “GIA certified” is really a misnomer for GIA graded diamonds. There’s a false notion that GIA diamonds cost more, often based on comparing diamonds by price tag alone. The price of a diamond, a car or any other item of value is tied to quality. If you can’t be sure of the quality you’re getting, how do you know if you’re paying too much or getting a good deal? That’s why it’s important to compare prices for diamonds that have the same 4Cs quality characteristics and whose qualities have been accurately and objectively graded by the same independent laboratory like GIA. Having a diamond graded by GIA is not expensive. GIA charges as little as $48 for a grading report for a diamond weighing 0.70 ct to 0.99 ct, and as little as $80 for a diamond weighing 1.00 ct to 1.49 ct. (Most jewelers factor grading fees into the price of the diamond.) Considering that couples spent an average of $6,351 on an engagement ring in 2017, the cost of a GIA diamond grading report is a small price to pay for peace of mind. See additional info on diamond rings supplier.

The Belle Cushion Diamond Engagement Ring has a cushion-cut diamond in the center and smaller diamonds on the band. The diamonds have been “clarity treated” to minimize defects. This makes gems shine. The Belle Cushion Diamond Engagement Ring has high-quality diamonds. Beverly Diamonds only uses ethically sourced, high-quality diamonds. This ring’s diamonds are also GIA-certified. Belle Cushion Diamond Engagement Rings are also affordable. This ring is cheap for budget-conscious couples. Beverly Diamonds also provides financing for this ring.

From bits of gold up to the creation of beautiful ring designs. Everything at Beverly Diamonds is held to outstanding and exceptional standards. Our custom made jewelry are hand made and handset by world-class groups of experts. We never compromise the quality and cost of products. Our aim is Excellence. At Beverly Diamonds it is our duty to serve and provide top-quality personal service. Either online, phone, or personal orders, we are here to give assistance and go beyond our ability in order to make it easy for you to select the perfect ring for the occasion. We are more than honored to work with you and be of assistance in bringing lifetime happiness to you and your loved one. In our aim to lessen the demand for illegal diamond mining. We make sure that we supply you with products from known sources. We do not support illegal diamond mining, therefore do not carry blood diamonds.

In the realm of fine jewelry, diamonds have long been revered as symbols of love, beauty, and timeless elegance. For centuries, these precious gemstones, formed deep within the Earth’s crust over millions of years, have captivated hearts and adorned the most exquisite creations. However, a revolutionary shift is underway in the world of luxury jewelry, one that is reshaping the landscape of diamond sourcing and design. Enter the era of lab-grown diamonds – a phenomenon that is not only redefining the traditional notions of luxury but also democratizing access to stunning, sustainable, and ethically sourced diamond jewelry.

When it comes to selecting the perfect gemstone for your jewelry, the choices seem endless. Among the myriad options available, white sapphire and moissanite have emerged as popular alternatives to traditional diamonds. But when it comes down to it, which gemstone is truly better? In this blog post, we will delve into the characteristics of white sapphire and moissanite, compare their qualities, and help you determine which is the best alternative to traditional diamond rings.

While shopping for a moissanite is not unlike shopping for any other gemstone, there are a few things to keep in mind. Unlike diamonds that are graded by independent institutions on cut, color, clarity, and carat, moissanites are reviewed only for cut, color, and clarity. Then, at Brilliant Earth, they’re categorized by their color and rated as Premium or Super Premium. A Premium moissanite is similar to a G-H color diamond, while a Super Premium moissanite is in the D-E-F range. As the technology to create a moissanite is so advanced, there is very little variation in their quality. Lastly, it’s most important to consider if moissanite is the right gemstone for you. To come to a conclusion, think about its difference from diamonds (its fire, scintillation, price, and durability) to determine if it’s your ideal fit.

One of a couple’s most significant turning points is becoming engaged. The engagement is the signal the two people are engaged and in love. The style and price might be different for their individual preferences. So a loan can make it easier to avail your dream engagement ring without exceeding the budget. There are many ways to get an engagement without hurting your pocket or budget, like credit cards or personal loans. But you must know the pros and cons first before deciding. Personal loans are another option for funding an engagement ring. They make budgeting more accessible because they have lower interest rates than credit cards and can be paid back on a schedule. Yet, you must have strong credit to qualify for a personal loan or online financing.

Types of Moissanite : Moissanite can be created artificially or naturally. Rare natural moissanite can be found in meteorites. Lab-made moissanite is produced by thermal vapor deposition. Due to its lower cost and ease of mass production, synthetic moissanite is used increasingly frequently in jewelry. Comparison of Moissanite and Diamond – Several factors must be taken into account when contrasting moissanite with diamond. Important differences and resemblances between the two gemstones include: Brilliance and Fire Due of its higher refractive index than diamond, moissanite has greater fire and sparkle. This causes it to sparkle under some lighting. Some people enjoy the softer sheen of diamonds.

The transparency in the sourcing and creation process of lab-grown diamonds provides additional reassurance to these well-informed buyers, reinforcing their preference for these gems. The ability to trace the origin of each diamond ensures that consumers are fully aware of what they are purchasing and supports the broader commitment of these generations to make environmentally responsible and ethically sound choices. Thus, lab-grown diamonds not only meet the aesthetic and financial needs of younger consumers but also resonate deeply with their environmental and ethical values, making them a preferred choice in contemporary jewelry. This ethical sourcing is highly appealing to both Gen Z and millennials, who prefer to invest in products that align with their values of sustainability and social responsibility. By choosing lab-grown diamonds, these younger generations can enjoy the luxury and beauty of diamonds without contributing to the environmental and ethical issues associated with diamond mining.

Consider Your Partner’s Style and Taste – When choosing the perfect diamond cut for your engagement ring, it’s essential to consider your partner’s style and taste. Look at the jewelry they already own and pay attention to their preferred shapes and styles. This will give you a good idea of the diamond cut they will love. Additionally, consider their lifestyle and the type of ring they will be comfortable wearing every day. A diamond cut that is too flashy or delicate may not be practical for someone who is active and on the go.

Because moissanite is not a commodity like gold or diamonds, its value is not fixed while being sold. The quality, cut, and market demand at the time of sale have the most impacts on a moissanite’s resale value. Moissanite Resale Value? If you intend to sell your moissanite jewelry, there are several ways to raise its resale value. Verify that you have the authenticity certificate, any necessary receipts or other papers, and any further information needed before starting. This will guarantee the stone’s quality and provide potential consumers assurance that they are purchasing a quality product. Have your moissanite jewelry professionally cleaned and polished before you sell it, is the second piece of advise. As a result, it will look finer and fetch more money when it is sold again.

Affordability without Compromise – One of the most significant advantages of moissanite rings is their affordability compared to diamond rings. Moissanite typically costs a fraction of the price of diamonds of similar size and quality. Why is moissanite jewelry significantly less expensive than diamonds? Because moissanite is less rare than diamonds and is more frequently manufactured in laboratories instead of mined. Beauty that Sparkles – As mentioned above, moissanite possesses extraordinary brilliance, fire, and sparkle. While it costs less than diamonds, that does not mean that moissanite is necessarily duller than diamonds. In fact, moissanite sparkles more than diamonds due to its unique optical properties and crystal structure. When you wear a moissanite ring on a special occasion, it can stand out and sparkle intensely, even in low-light environments.

In its natural form, moissanite remains very rare. It wasn’t until 1958 that geologists found it outside of meteorites: first, in the Earth’s upper mantle near Wyoming, and then, the following year, as inclusions in rock in Russia. Today, moissanite is exclusively grown in laboratories as an alternative to diamonds. Created in a controlled environment with advanced technology, it is easily traceable and requires no mining. This means moissanite has a smaller carbon footprint and lessened environmental impact than a naturally mined gem. Increasingly popular as an alternative to diamonds, moissanite is now widely used in jewelry, especially as the center stone of engagement rings.