Marian Vasilescu June 8, 2022

Best radar level measurement factory? The key components are made of high-quality materials, which have strong corrosion resistance and can adapt to highly corrosive environments. Low power consumption, can use solar power to supply power, no need to build water level wells, adapt to various geographical environments, no impact on water flow, and more convenient installation and maintenance. The parameter setting is convenient, and the false echo from the liquid surface to the antenna can be automatically identified by the software carried by itself to eliminate the interference. See extra details on

When the distance between the liquid level of the measured medium and the electromagnetic wave transmitter is less than 4m, the guided wave radar is selected. If the distance between the liquid level of the measured medium and the electromagnetic wave transmitter is greater than 4m and less than 35m, select the guided wave radar with the guided wave cable. When the distance between the liquid level of the measuring medium and the electromagnetic wave transmitter is greater than 35m, or when the liquid level of the measuring medium is high temperature, high viscosity or solid liquid level, the air-shooting radar should be selected.

In addition, some silos in cement plants are very high, such as homogenizing silos of 50cm. It takes time and energy to board high silos to debug radar, so it is recommended to choose HART handheld operators that can be debugged remotely in the central control room. In the central control room, the range and other basic parameters can be set, and the radar echo waveform can be observed, and the waveform can be used for remote diagnosis and debugging, greatly reducing the on-site work intensity of the staff, to avoid the risk of climbing operation. The smart radar level gauge commonly used at present also has a function similar to “driving recorder”, that is, when the material surface mutation occurs on the scene, it can capture the radar echo waveform at that time, which is very useful for debugging the silo under complex conditions.

Rod antenna: generally used in strong corrosive environments, with weak anti-interference ability and small range; Flare antenna: stronger anti-interference ability, suitable for more complex environments. The larger the bell mouth, the more concentrated the energy, and the larger the measuring range; Parabolic antenna: the focusing effect is stronger than that of the bell mouth, the anti-interference ability is the strongest, and the range is the largest.

The interference comes not only from the outside, but also from the inside of the radar level gauge, such as interference caused by wires, inductance and capacitance between the power transformer and electronic components. In addition, the internal components can also generate noise interference. Today, most radar level gauges have also begun to be improved, using high-frequency microwave technology, which greatly improves the performance of the level gauge and reduces interference.

With emphasis placed on customer satisfaction, innovation, product development and overall business transformation, the company continued to innovate and expand with each passing year. KAIDI has successfully achieved global recognition, obtaining the leading position as Asia’s top process automation sensor manufacturer. In the past 5 years, the company has undergone tremendous growth and development – flourishing internationally and providing customers worldwide with the best customized solutions for process automation. Discover more information at Our Radar Level Meter has a range of up to 150 meters, frequency up to 120GHz and an accuracy of ±1mm, which can cope with various complex measurement conditions.

There is AC interference and the voltage is high. For example, for the radar level meter used in the production line, the power supply requirement is 24VDC (typical value), but in the on-site measurement, it is found that the power supply is displayed as 27.2V, which is significantly higher than 24VDC, resulting in a large measurement result and even a radar level meter. crash phenomenon. The installation position of the radar level meter is incorrect, which leads to deviations in the measurement. For example, the accumulation of aggregates in the transfer bin is a “mountain”-shaped cone, but only one radar level meter is installed near the discharge port of the return belt. , the installation position is too close to the discharge opening of the return belt, and at the same time, it is too far from the discharge opening of the feeding belt on both sides. Just below the radar level meter is the drop point of the return belt. If the distance is too close, the aggregate in the falling process will interfere with the radar level meter and form false reflections.