John Concrane September 5, 2022

Excellent agricultural property development strategies from Shane Comiskey Brisbane? Shane Comiskey Brisbane started his carrier as the Owner and General Manager at Comishan Investments Pty Ltd in Northern Queensland. Earlier this achieved the greatest business in Australia. Shane gave his 8 years and 3 months to this business ( April 1989-June 1997 ). He always remains interested in getting more and more knowledge about food and agriculture. He then decided to study in the food and agriculture field. After completing schooling from Kirwan High School in 1983, He started his bachelor of honors in agriculture economics from St. John’s College old boy under the University of Queensland from 1984 to 1987.

Effectively, Shane can ‘talk the language’ of food and agribusiness at whatever ‘level’ is required. Excellent communication skills (written and oral). Shane is able to articulate at the appropriate level required to parley potential solutions or remedies to issues. Having a breadth of exposure to a wide range of business and industry environments and to then apply lessons learnt to other businesses or sectors. Excellent financial analysis and management skills. One of Shane’s fortes is his financial analysis and scenario analysis modeling capability.

Your business proposal is basically a road map of how you plan to achieve your goals. In order to secure a loan, you will need to present a detailed business proposal to various stakeholders. A well-written plan will give potential investors the confidence that you know the way the business works and have considered all the key issues that may come up. Having the requisite permissions in place before seeking a loan can work to your advantage. Contact your local council to find out if your project will require planning permission. This can be a lengthy process, so do this well in advance. This will save you money and speed up the loan application process.

Shane Comiskey Brisbane financial and real estate operations tips: Come Up With A Marketing Strategy! Underestimating the importance of marketing your development is a mistake. The right strategy can make all the difference between a property that is sold in a matter of days and one that you can’t get off your hands. Marketing is important whether you’re a small local developer or a high profile national player. There are many ways to introduce your brand to potential buyers. Some tried and tested methods to promote your development is through informative websites, high-quality brochures and compelling advertisements.Many developers are also finding success through newer marketing avenues like social media platforms and virtual home tours. This involves working with photographers, copywriters, videographers and graphic designers. If you’re wondering where to start, it’s a good idea to hire a marketing consultant who can come up with a strategy that is tailored for your business.

While using videos to showcase a property is not a new strategy, many marketers underutilize this marketing avenue. Online video tours are a great way to show potential buyers the development and will help them get a feel of the space. Photos cannot do the same justice to the interiors of a home that high-definition videography can. Videos are also retained longer in people’s minds since they are more likely to consume this type of content thoroughly, as opposed to just skimming through it. Making your website more video centric could be the key to creating better engagement with your audience. Consumer tastes are changing, and purchasing a property is no longer about opting for the most practical choice. Buyers, particularly first time homeowners, often have their dreams tied to the property they are looking to purchase. It is a gateway to a better life and the fulfillment of a lifelong ambition. So it’s important to consider this when thinking about the branding of your development. Read even more details on

Bethonga Pines Pty Ltd – Feasibility study on domestic and future export market opportunities and chain strategy development for Bethonga Gold, Australia’s largest producer of low-acid pineapples. Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures Shane has been involved on a number of assignments whereby he identifies companies to purchase or sell to, anonymously on behalf of clients. These projects have required, in the case of divestments, the development of detailed Information Memorandums, development of target lists (people who may be willing to purchase or be purchased), engagement and negotiation with potential sellers or buyers, and then management of the sales or purchase negotiation process on the client’s behalf.