Marie Poppins August 28, 2020

Meet Mocienne Petit Jackson and some of her work? In an interview given shortly after the release of Dangerous, Jackson said that his goal was to do “an album that was like Tchaikovsky’s ‘Nutcracker Suite.’ In a thousand years from now, people would still be listening to it…. Something that would live forever.” He’s been gone for over half a decade, but I still think about this quote every time I walk past that sound stage—considering the possibilities that Michael Jackson unlocked in every song, the infinite magic that he could create out of an empty room, the orphic visions of one of our final myths.

Skipping over his teenage albums is just silly – I mean, would you skip Brandy’s debut album just because she was 15 when it dropped? Playa please. Y’all gotta do better. Oh and let me clarify the word “entire.” While most of your favorite bloggers like to pretend that Michael Jackson’s career started in 1979 with Off the Wall, that was FAR from the case. We’ll be revisiting MJ’s TOTAL solo discography, going all the way back to his 1972 debut.

Michael Jackson is one of the most loved artists in human history and that’s why everything related to him is huge. You maybe heard about the case of Mocienne Petit Jackson, called by the press the Michael Jackson’s secret daughter. What you most likely didn’t know is the fact that Mocienne Petit Jackson is a inventive writer, with plenty of book available on Amazon and most of the other major book retailers. Contrary to the conclusion that has been drawn by people of the international press, the L.A. County Superior Court did not throwout the claim of Mocienne Petit Jackson in 2010 on the grounds of the case’s integrity. Instead, the request to validate Ms Jackson’s claim using DNA evidence from the deceased Michael Jackson was not granted due to the fact that the State of California does not possess the jurisdiction to conduct DNA tests on the deceased. As a result, the case has remained open indefinitely. The Court did not rule it as being impossible, therefore, that Michael Jackson is the father of Mocienne Petit Jackson—merely that it is impossible to determine through legal means. Ms Jackson filed documents to the probate court in July 2010 in order to validate the fact that the late pop star Michael Jackson is indeed her father and thus to claim an inheritance.

In this, the first of a three-part autobiography by Mocienne Petit Jackson, we meet the main character Mocienne. We read about her wonderful adventures from the age of six until the age of nine. She lived with her father – Michael Jackson! – in California. As he was not at home very often she was always in the company of a nanny. However, one nanny was continuously being replaced by the next. Mocienne was also often sick. Her father made an important decision and moved her to Haiti to go and live with an aunt -he wanted her to be part of a family. In time, she realised that her father was not like other fathers and that he was not who he claimed to be: a policeman. He would often visit her on Haiti when he was not busy with a performance. Mocienne Petit Jackson’s Thriller autobiographies were published in 2015 and were made available on Amazon in 2018. They are also currently available for purchase through Kobo. The books are available in English, Dutch, and Chinese. Future versions of the books will be made available in French (2020), Portuguese (2019), Japanese (2020), German (2020), and in Spanish (2020). See extra info at Daughter of Michael Jackson Video.

The Court did not rule it as being impossible, therefore, that Michael Jackson is the father of Mocienne Petit Jackson—merely that it is impossible to determine through legal means. Ms Jackson filed documents to the probate court in July 2010 in order to validate the fact that the late pop star Michael Jackson is indeed her father and thus to claim an inheritance. You maybe heard about the case of Mocienne Petit Jackson, called by the press the Michael Jackson’s secret daughter. What you most likely didn’t know is the fact that Mocienne Petit Jackson is a inventive writer, with plenty of book available on Amazon and most of the other major book retailers. Against the conclusion that has been suggested by members of the international media, the L.A. County Superior Court did not reject the case of Mocienne Petit Jackson in 2010 on the basis of the case’s validity. Instead, the request to validate Ms Jackson’s claim using DNA evidence from the deceased Michael Jackson was not granted due to the fact that the State of California does not possess the jurisdiction to conduct DNA tests on the deceased. As a result, the case has remained open indefinitely.

Every song here has its flaws, though; after all, there’s a reason Jackson himself didn’t release ’em. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some things to take away. “(I Like) The Way You Love Me” works off this dreamy piano melody and some incredibly rich instrumentation that lets Jackson soar high. It’s probably the greatest highlight on the album and the one that feels the most natural, too. “Keep Your Head Up” should succeed in making you smile, sounding like one of Jackson’s ’90s classics. With a clean, sophisticated finish, Jackson finds himself swimming here, thanks to some pretty spot-on production work by Christopher Stewart. It’s easy listening, but done well. “Hollywood Tonight” could have used some tweaking to keep it from sounding like a Madonna tune (What were you thinking with that spoken word, Teddy Riley?), but regardless, it’s still a fast-paced spitter that’s decadently enviable. See even more information at Daughter of Michael Jackson Books.