Marie Poppins August 24, 2020

Reliable college planning consultant? No matter your circumstances, we will advise you in the most critical areas impacting your college admissions chances including: How many AP/honors classes to take in 11th grade, What grades do I need to get into an elite college? What standardized tests should I take as a junior/when should I take them? How many extracurricular activities do I need to get into college? How do I start my college search? 12th grade course planning/procuring recommendations. First, let’s delve into 11th grade course selection—the way in which you set the table for a scrumptious junior year meal.

Check out our 10 ways to jumpstart college planning below to help you feel a little less stressed about what you need to do before applying – and getting into – college, and browse through our site for helpful information and tips on every step of the college and financial aid application process. Getting ready for college isn’t all work. Find something you really like doing, then dive into it. Maybe you’re drawn to sports, student council, music, art … you get the picture. You’ll develop skills and be more appealing to colleges (they like students who’ll add something to campus life).

Stress Less! High school is already a busy time between courses, extra-curricular activities, and more. Then, on top of traditional schooling responsibilities, now there is a shift to a focus on the future as well, which can be incredibly overwhelming. I take the stress off of both the student and the parents by keeping everyone on track of what they should be doing and when, restoring a sense of peace for the whole family! Discover extra details on Custom college plan.

This program is designed for families who also want assistance with financial aid strategies, funding guidance, and support. Includes everything in the Optimal Package PLUS: Campus Visits/Tours- Preparation and explanation of strategies to demonstrate interest. Activity Resume Completion- Crafted to reflect your student’s commitment to these interests.Funding Guidance & Support, Identify different funding options tailored to your specific situation. Advice and strategies to reduce Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and put you in the best position to receive all the financial aid for which you are eligible.

I hold a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Dayton. As a professional Educational Consultant, I believe in maintaining a positive mindset, creating partnerships with a purpose, and always striving for significant outcomes. Contact me today for an initial consultation, and find out more about how I can create a custom college plan to fit your needs. Discover extra details at here.