
John Concrane November 5, 2021

Top office cleaning 2021? …and dust, and pet hair. Follow the top-to-bottom rule of cleaning every room, and knock dust and debris from curtains, bookshelves, lampshades and mantles onto the floor as you work your way down, says Reichert, then vacuum it up after. You’ll clean faster if you don’t have to worry where the […]

John Concrane October 14, 2021

Best carpet cleaning services in Coventry today? It’s not just about the cleaning process that you need to be wary of. As a commercial carpet cleaning agency, you should also work to ensure that your employees stay as organized as possible. On your client’s end, it’s going to be good for them to see that […]

John Concrane September 17, 2021

High quality no power to sockets or lights services near me? Although doors and side panels of most fridge-freezers are covered with metal, many manufacturers still use flammable plastic backing, which offers little protection against the insulation catching fire. Add to that the fact that the usual precautions of switching appliances off at the plug […]

Marie Poppins September 5, 2021

Top duct cleaning company Chicago, IL today? Make a natural scented vinegar cleaning product to help around the house: Mix one part white vinegar with one part water to make a basic household spray (great for anyone suffering from allergies as it’s so gentle). Can’t stand the ‘fish and chip’ smell? Add some fresh herbs […]

Marie Poppins September 3, 2021

Affordable electrical contracting solutions and home improvement advices? How can I spot an issue in the foundation of my home? There are a few different types of foundations a home could have – a crawl space, a full basement or a slab – and depending on the type they might be constructed from wood, pillars, […]