Patrick Moreau May 27, 2019

Lets talk about Solar in Colorado. Because of shading, insufficient space and ownership issues, 1/5 American homes are simply unfit for solar panels. With the introduction of shared solar, homeowners can subscribe to “community solar gardens”, and generate solar electricity without actually having solar panels on their own rooftops. There are no moving parts involved in most applications of solar power. There is no noise associated with photovoltaics. This compares favorable to certain other green-techs such as wind turbines.

Certain solar cells require materials that are expensive and rare in nature. This is especially true for thin-film solar cells that are based on either cadmium telluride (CdTe) or copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS). Power density, or watt per square meter (W/m²), is essential when looking at how much power can be derived from a certain area of real estate of an energy source. Low power density indicates that too much real estate is required to provide the power we demand at reasonably prices.

For most American homeowners the most significant attraction to solar power is that once the capital cost of installation is paid off the energy is free. This means the only real question is whether the payback period on the capital investment is better than the returns you would get from investing the same money in other ways. You may be surprised that we now list this as the leading advantage of solar energy. The reason we do this is that most homeowners are now more interested in the financial aspects of installing solar rather than the environmental benefits.

Solar panels (also known as photovoltaic panels) are installed on your home. The solar panels convert light (photons) into electricity (voltage). Each panel is connected to a microinverter that changes the electric current from DC (direct current) to AC (alternating current). Each microinverter operates independently of the others so that if one stops working your system is still generating maximum power. An alternative to being tied to the utility company is an off-grid solar panel system. An off-grid system is similar to a grid-tied system with the exception that all the solar energy that is generated is stored in solar energy battery banks in your home. A charge controller sits between the batteries and the solar cells to ensure that the batteries do not overcharge. With an off-grid system you are 100% electricity independent.

The process of installing solar panels on your home and switching to solar electricity starts with a free survey of your home where we also perform an energy review to determine how photo voltaic solar panels can help reduce your energy costs. We create a custom installation plan that’s efficient and effective without compromising the quality of the results. Before we begin, we will walk you through the entire solar installation process down to the smallest detail to ensure you understand what will be done and how you’ll benefit.

At SunKey Energy we stay on top of all of the solar energy rebates and incentives available. When we prepare a price quote for you, we will also advise you of the rebates and incentives to which you are entitled including the 30% Federal Tax Credit and any incentives offered by your local utility company.

At SunKey we take the mystery out of Solar Energy for homeowners. We talk in easy to understand language that will help you make a decision that can save you thousands of dollars while also helping our planet. SunKey Energy is a leading provider and installer of residential solar panels serving communities throughout the State of Colorado and surrounding states. Read extra details at Solar contractors Colorado. Give SunKey Energy a call at 303-512-3100 to lower your energy costs with renewable solar energy.