John Concrane June 21, 2019

Divorce is a very complex situation and nobody should get through it alone. Divorce guide Don’t post on social media it about. During my time of divorce, I wanted to defend my name against assumptions people made as they saw things that were happening to my ex-husband. Instead, I just stayed quiet. I knew that one day my name would be vindicated, and I didn’t want to look insane during the divorce process by venting my dirty laundry on social media.

You will need to stay organized and set your priorities during a divorce. List all the items you have to accomplish and mark them off as you go through them. A divorce produces a lot of paperwork. The simplest way to keep track of all these papers is with a three-ring binder and a three-hole punch. Put papers in chronological order and make an index. You may prefer to set up individual files for various categories of divorce papers. Some examples are correspondence with your attorney, drafts of agreements, financial information, and pleadings. Files with brads and a two-hole punch will help you keep papers neat and organized.

The best divorce advice I have for others going through a difficult divorce is to find a reliable support system. What I mean by that is, the divorce litigant should have a reliable friend, family member, awesome therapist, or a divorce group they can count on to talk to about the divorce and the experience. This is extremely important because divorce litigants can foolishly squander thousands of dollars either attempting to utilize the judicial system as retaliation against their spouse or exploiting their attorney as a therapist rather than for legitimate legal advice. At the cost of accumulating thousands of dollars in unnecessary legal fees and avoidable headaches, litigants can easily mitigate mistakes like these simply by voicing their frustration and feelings through therapeutic means. Talking it out will help the litigant focus on the real issues, preventing hurt feelings, sorrowful emotions, and resentment from getting in the way of resolving the divorce matter quickly and fairly.

If you and your spouse can work together to reach a fair settlement on most or all of the issues in your divorce (eg., child custody, child support, alimony, and property division), choosing mediation to resolve your divorce case may save thousands of dollars in legal fees and emotional aggravation. The mediation process involves a neutral third-party mediator (an experienced family law attorney trained in mediation) that meets with the divorcing couple and helps them reach an agreement on the issues in their divorce. Mediation is completely voluntary; the mediator will not act as a judge, or insist on any particular outcome or agreement.

We are an online divorce community and one stop divorce shop for all things divorce. We incorporate a marketplace specializing in selling items associated with one time dreams with our Ultimate Divorce Resource Directory full of secondary divorce services and a community of like-minded individuals, who we invite to connect with each other for support, friendship, dating and networking. See more info at DreamsRecycled divorce support.