John Concrane August 30, 2019

Do you need to increase your Youtube videos view numbers, this is a hot topic amongst Youtube content creators. Before you start making a video for YouTube you need to plan what you want to produce. Generate a storyboard outlining each scene or section of the video. Think about the messaging you want to portray to your audience and plan where in the video you will include calls-to-action. This is important as you need people to want to do something after watching the video. Bottom-line: YouTube rewards quality. The better your videos are, the more time people spend watching them. This will increase your Watch Time minutes and so YouTube will favor your videos and channel.

Pick tags that will be good for SEO. Your constituents are using YouTube as a search engine – so you should be too! Think about what your supporters are searching, and make sure those keywords are included in your video tags. Keep in mind that what people are searching isn’t always an accurate description of the video. However the easiest method is to buy Youtube subscribers from a online marketing agency, that can advertise your channel to a broad audience.

Piggyback off of Viral Trends: Create video content that piggybacks off of already existing viral trends. There’s already a built in market desire to view content within the context of a viral phenomenon, so you should tap into it. A good example is all the YouTube videos that were made in response to the United Airlines PR fiasco. It’s not always easy or possible to tie your video content in with ongoing trends; however, if you can find a clever way to do it, you can boost your views on YouTube with the help of a hungry public looking for more trending contextual content.

Focus on the trending topics, This is a great way to attract more views to your videos on YouTube. Make videos on the content which is already viral. I am not saying that copy it from someone. What I am trying to say is that create content that can be linked to your brand. So you need to be really clever with the theme. For example, if you are a bike manufacturer and looking to make a video on Independence Day, then you need to connect independence with your brand so that you will get more views for your unique content. This is the job of your marketing team to create content. Create End screens: It is really important to have end screens to your videos. YouTubers know what importance the “End Screens” hold in their lives. Those last 5-20 seconds are very crucial where the YouTubers can add that extra piece of information to promote their content or the channel or website. So basically, we can say that End screens are a kind of lifeline for the YouTubers and the best part is that, it is mobile friendly, which means, it becomes simple for the viewer to take the next move before the video ends and thus, this end screen keeps the viewer go with the flow!

Promote your YouTube channel with Facebook Groups: Over the last year, I’ve been rediscovering Facebook Groups. You can find a group for most topics and interests. For example, #TeamofOne is a community of social media consultants and strategists. I also follow a copywriting group, as well as groups related to my hobby of music production. You can find relevant Facebook Groups by searching “YOUR KEYWORD” with the filter of “Groups” in the Facebook search bar. To browse different groups and sort by interests, use Facebook’s discovery feature. If you sell local products, you can find local buy-and-sell groups here. Your task: Find 10 to 20 relevant Facebook Groups and add a comment, telling people about a YouTube video you’re proud of. If you don’t want to do this manual work, outsource to a freelancer using Upwork. Source: