Amelia Whitehart October 6, 2019

You want to grow your Youtube channel or to increase the views of your videos and you don’t know how? Here are a few advices about how to obtain more Youtube viewers and subscribers.

To market your YouTube channels to Redditors and Quora users, here is what you ought to do. Get familiar with the forum. Reddit users contribute to message threads while Quora users share solutions on a given subject. reddit logoBefore posting on Reddit or Quora, abide by the community rules. That means searching for duplicate content before uploading your own. There are more rules that govern specific communities on forums. Make sure you read them. Target the right subreddits or communities that apply to your industry or niche. Before joining, consider the number of subscribers, trending topics and recent activity. Don’t forget to check the quality of the content. Pro Tip: Create your account and start joining specific subreddits. Join in the discussion that applies to your industry or niche. Your goal is to build your reputation as a valued member of the subreddit. Jumping the gun and posting your videos will not work.

Learn from YouTube Analytics: They key to success with any marketing effort is to test, track, and make adjustments to your strategy as you learn what works best. YouTube analytics will tell you which videos perform best, how engaged your viewers are, and even the demographics of the audience. This information can help you hone your strategy to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t, while tweaking your tone and style to better speak to the audience that is already connecting with your content. We get into more detail on how to use YouTube Analytics in our post on YouTube marketing. See more details on Free YouTube subscribers.

Good content can be surpassed by even better content. You have to make a better video than the one in the first position. Only then will you be sure of the first position. Design the content according to the chosen keyword. Obviously, you will need to develop content based on your keyword. If you do not do this, including the visitors but also the search engines will realize that the video has nothing to do with that search term. I should point out that that video content must be the right keyword. Here, you have two viable options: you can create something similar to # 1 on YouTube. Do you really want YouTube views? Then, I recommend you post content of the highest quality. The term “quality” seems to me to be outdated. I need to tell you what the quality is: the clip is at an HD resolution. The visitor experience counts enormously. Maybe you have something interesting to say. However, due to the blurred sound and the pixelated image, your message will lose its intensity.