Marie Poppins March 20, 2020

Best fridges for India market in 2020? LG260. Only a few brands in the whole world can match the quality of L.G refrigerators. It comes 1st on the list because this is the best Inverter Technology refrigerator in India. It is the energy-efficient, cost-efficient and looks very stylish with a glossy steel finish. This model has 4.5 ratings from over 800 customers. This model is one of the most energy-efficient double door refrigerators on the market with 4-star BEE ratings. All its operations are stabilizer free. It can handle voltage fluctuations from 100-290 volts.

Samsung 212L 3 Star Direct Cool Refrigerator. Compared to the LG and Haier models mentioned above, Samsung has larger capacity. But the downside is that it consumes more energy and has only 3 star rating compared to 4 star rating of Haier and LG. Just like LG, this refrigerator also has a fresh cool zone in addition to the super freeze zone for keeping milk, curd and desserts. Stabilizer free operation; Big bottle guard that ensures enough space for keeping larger bottles; Toughened glass Shelves capable of holding up to 150 kg weight; Keyhole on the Chromium Handle; Anti-bacterial gasket that prevents fungal and bacterial build-up inside the refrigerator.

This BEE 4 star rated single door model from LG is a great buy if you are tight on budget but still want to buy a good fridge. It is energy efficient and comes with an inverter technology compressor. It works on home and solar inverter giving you an option to easily run it during power cuts. It is a stabiliser free model that can work perfectly between 90-300V. The shelves inside are made of toughened glass which makes them quite durable. On the whole, a great model to buy if you are on a budget. See more details on Best refrigerators in India 2020.

Fridge trick : Clean it up. No, we’re not telling you to wipe down the shelves (although that’s never a bad idea). We’re talking about the kind of cleaning where you pull the fridge away from the wall, and actually get the dirt and grime out of the coils. (Note: If you have a newer fridge, the coils will be across the bottom front, behind a grille.) Just dust and vacuum the exposed coils, and vacuum out the space where the appliance lives.

Sort your fridge with baskets. Using small baskets to sort different products on shelves and in doors (and even in the freezer) is an awesome way to get some organisation going in your refrigerator. Not only will using baskets help you sort the contents of your fridge, but the base of the basket also acts as a protectant layer to capture any spills or food mess; instead of having to clean a whole shelf when the milk leaks, you can just clean the basket. You could even have a basket for nutritious snacks to help keep you on track with a healthy eating plan. Discover a few more details on