Marian Vasilescu November 2, 2020

You can get free Instagram auto follow followers and growing tricks? You can also get a lot of great insight from Instagram Analytics for Business accounts for free, under the Followers section. You may want to consider using a social media scheduling tool to schedule and automatically publish your posts for when your audience is the most engaged. One of the best ways to find and attract a new following is by seeking out your closest competitors’ Instagram accounts and engaging with their audience. These people have already shown some level of interest in the products you carry simply by following your competitors’ account. So how do you effectively steal your competitors’ followers? You can steal your closest competitors’ followers by engaging with them. There are several ways to engage with Instagram users, and the more work you put in, the more followers and repeat engagement you’ll get out of it.

Now, Instagram comments and saves are more important than ever. So the best way to improve your engagement for this year is to create more content that encourages your audience to tap that save button! “Savable content” is anything you know your audience will want to read back again at a later time. If you’re trying to think of “savable” content for your feed, think about what’s important to your audience and what will they find value in. This can be anything from an infographic to funny memes or quotes that you know will resonate.

Instagram can be a highly-targeted, visual marketing channel for your brand and an opportunity to build a loyal audience that grows with your business. In fact, over 500 million Instagram and IGTV users browse the app every day, making it home to some of the most engaged audiences around. But like any social network out there, there are the right ways to use your Instagram profile, wrong ways to use it, and clever ways to use it. Find more info at hashtag generator.

If you’re looking to get more followers on Instagram, it’s time to let your audience in. Instagram used to be all about the visuals – a cohesive aesthetic, high-quality photography, and on-brand images were a must. But the biggest trend for 2020 is authenticity, with long-form captions that allow your audience to learn more about you, your brand, and your mission. In fact, according to influencer research by Fohr, the average caption length has more than doubled since 2016. And in 2020, our feeds will be filled with an average caption length of 405 characters – which averages out to be 65-70 words!

What Counts As An Organic View On Instagram? When you invest lots of time in putting up a top-notch video or story, and it’s just not well received by your audience – do you really feel motivated to continue creating high-quality content for your Instagram profile? More often than not, your audience likely doesn’t even get a chance to see your newly uploaded content because of how obfuscated, and downright weird the new Instagram algorithm can be. However, if your brand new post gets a tiny little bump in traction (in the form of a couple of views and likes), it can totally change the entire situation. Discover even more details on