Amelia Whitehart February 21, 2021

Talk to strangers or talk benefits 2021 In COVID era chatting with anyone can help your mood a lot. Be relevant and be redundant. Be relevant about what you share and when you share it. People with whom you communicate regularly will appreciate messages relevant to what they’re concerned with at the moment. If you have information that won’t be relevant to them for a while, you may want to share only what is most germane now. In addition, check in regularly. Just because you’ve said something once, doesn’t mean people saw it or heard it, especially since there is so much communication everywhere people look or listen. I worked with a brilliant leader who used to say, “If I’m not tired of hearing myself say it by the end of the day, I haven’t said it enough.” By this, he meant be intentionally redundant. Different people will hear messages differently and they will only be able to attend to them based on where they are in their own process. Your consistency will be a beacon in times of distress.

Social media helps teens feel more connected to their friends’ feelings and daily lives, and also offers teens a place to receive support from others during challenging times. 83% of teen social media users say social media makes them feel more connected to information about their friends’ lives. 70% of social media-using teens feel better connected to their friends’ feelings through social media. 68% of teen social media users have had people on the platforms supporting them through tough or challenging times.

One of the great debates about the internet is what it is doing to the relationships that Americans have with friends, relatives, neighbors, and workmates. On the one hand, many extol the internet’s abilities to extend our relationships – we can contact people across the ocean at the click of a mouse; we can communicate kind thoughts at two in the morning and not wake up our friends. Back in the early years of the internet, some prophets felt that the internet would create a global village, transcending the boundaries of time and space. Explore a few more details at talk to strangers.

Efficiency is so important, especially in the business world. Imagine having to explain a whole project through an email and then spend the whole day responding to questions. Meeting with your team will allow you to give out all the details at once, benefit from the flow of ideas that the others might suggest, and boost the overall creativity and energy. Also, you will be able to address all the problems at once. Also, this happens to one of the key benefits of hosting a webinar with your team.

How does online interaction impact an individual’s well-being? Intuitively, one might expect that any form of interaction, regardless of setting, is probably an aid to well-being. In offline settings, researchers have demonstrated that those who communicate more and have close supportive relationships are less stressed, happier and psychologically healthier (e.g., Baumeister and Leary, 1995, House et al., 1988) whereas those who have fewer close relationships, social resources and support tend to feel more lonely, be more depressed and psychologically less well (Barnett and Gotlib, 1988, Bruce and Hoff, 1994). Explore a few more info at

While strangers present opportunities for you to make new friends, you obviously won’t hit it off with every new person you talk to. However, you don’t know where the conversation might lead. Even if you don’t end up making a connection with the person, they might introduce you to someone else who ends up becoming a good friend. For instance, let’s assume that, after striking up a conversation with the lady from the office next door, you find out that you don’t really have much in common. However, as you talk about your likes and interests, she mentions that she has a friend who has a passion for the same things as you. She can introduce you to her friend, who can then end up becoming a great friend. Alternatively, the lady might invite you to a party where you end up meeting more new people and becoming friends with some of them.