Marian Vasilescu January 15, 2023

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For example, if a wizard fails to recall knowledge that should be obvious to them, players can cause hilarity by describing their dumbfounded expression or frantic sputtering. If a barbarian charges into the fray only to get knocked out, the cleric might have a chance to show off their new healing spell – and express their character’s exasperation. Roleplaying critical fails and working together to overcome them is part of the fun. This is a little different for every group of gamers, as some adhere to the rules more strictly than others. But for more casual campaigns, like ones that first-timers usually join, rules are a little more flexible. Among groups of friends, enjoying the journey is often more important than the letter of D&D law.

One of the biggest mistakes a lot of new GMs make is spending an entire week obsessively planning out a whole city’s worth of NPCs and encounters and lore and maps and- oh god, the paper, there is so much paper everywhere. Take a breath. There’s something you need to understand about roleplaying: nothing ever goes to plan. So much so that the one-in-a-million time where everything does go exactly as you expected it to, you’ll be so taken aback that you’ll forget what your plan even was. More and more RPG books nowadays are filled with endless randomisation tables. Character names, random encounters, loot, enemies, towns, weather… Everything is available to you at the roll of a die and the reason isn’t just for preparation. These things are designed to be used on the fly! In the moment! During the game!

It is smart to prepare for your character’s untimely demise. However, not many players are willing to let that happen without a fight. Therefore, potions. ALL the potions. When a character is new- the threat of dying is pretty common. They are, in gamer terms, “squishy.” While potions may be expensive and a pain at first, they are integral to gameplay. Buy, persuade, steal, or find health potions as much as you can. Many types of potions exist, but by far the most needed/used are health potions.

You shouldn’t feel bad about sitting down to GM and not having a full grasp on every rule in the book. If you’re confused about how something works in play, don’t panic. You can improvise what happens in the moment and check on the rule later, or even pause the game briefly to give your players a break whilst you read the rulebook. Whatever you need, just do it. No-one is going to be upset that you don’t have an encyclopedic knowledge of how the game works on day one. (If they do, they probably suck – maybe don’t play with them.)

The Player Handbook is every D&D player’s bible. Here, information can be found on every race, class, background, spell, god, aspect of combat, and more. New players should take time to read through it in their own time and gain an understanding of the mechanics, particularly ones that pertain to their class. Keep it handy during sessions as well, to quickly look up spells or items if need be. However, in the midst of the game, players might not always be able to find speedy answers by flipping pages – leading into the next point. Find more details on