Patrick Moreau September 30, 2020

Premium gold investing guides in 2021? Although the U.S. dollar is one of the world’s most important reserve currencies, when the value of the dollar falls against other currencies as it did between 1998 and 2008, this often prompts people to flock to the security of gold, which raises gold prices . The price of gold nearly tripled between 1998 and 2008, reaching the $1,000-an-ounce milestone in early 2008 and nearly doubling between 2008 and 2012, hitting around the $1800-$1900 mark. The decline in the U.S. dollar occurred for a number of reasons, including the country’s large budget and trade deficits and a large increase in the money supply.

“As gold keeps breaking new records…the fundamental factors behind the trend remain clear: increased worries about the solidness of U.S. public finances; the lack of any serious government plan to resolve long standing issues related to the future of the social security system; eroding credibility of the U.S. motto about a strong dollar; the general weakness in the fundamentals of the global economy” [all of which make the] purchasing of gold…a store of value that thrives when uncertainty, insecurity, and fear rule the global economy. Furthermore, when we recall the never ending speculations about the U.S. dollar’s demise, it is only natural that the metal will find attention regardless of the price tag, until a bubble develops [but] we are apparently very far from that turning point.

Speaking of gold, it is easily the oldest form of currency in use on earth. It was used by our ancestors centuries ago and is still used today, its mention can even be found in the epics of Hindu mythology which highlights the position that gold holds in the Indian and especially Hindu culture. It is considered as a carrier of good luck and thus is gifted to the new brides and other important milestones of life as well. Therefore, one of the tools which are popular for this purpose is the financial investment which allows a person to multiply his savings by investing it into one of the multiple options available like mutual funds, real estate, gold etc.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to every investment. If you are opposed to holding physical gold, buying shares in a gold mining company may be a safer alternative. If you believe gold could be a safe bet against inflation, investing in coins, bullion, or jewelry are paths that you can take to gold-based prosperity. Lastly, if your primary interest is in using leverage to profit from rising gold prices, the futures market might be your answer, but note that there is a fair amount of risk associated with any leverage-based holdings. (For related reading, see “Has Gold Been a Good Investment Over the Long Term?”).

Many new investors shy away from gold, as it doesn’t generate consistent cash flow in the way real estate or stocks might. What many people don’t know is that gold is actually highly liquid; meaning, it can be bought and sold relatively quickly due to the high demand. When it comes to other alternative investments, like collectibles or rare art, this benefit can make gold a highly attractive opportunity. Gold bullion refers to any form of pure gold, with the most common example being gold bars. Gold bars must be certified for weight and purity, and will typically have a serial number attached for security reasons. Gold bars can vary in size, and it doesn’t take much to be considered valuable. There are a few drawbacks to purchasing gold bullion, as you will typically want a secure location and insurance to secure the investment. Additionally, gold bullion can be a difficult asset to buy and sell as you have to identify buyers ready to purchase in whatever sized bar you have the asset in. That being said, many investors find this method to be a highly rewarding way to purchase gold. Discover additional information at

Goldbugs have often encouraged investors to own the precious metal as part of a diversified long term investment portfolio. Gold is seen as a hedge against inflation and a store of value through thick and through thin. Holding gold, however, comes with unique costs and risks, and the data show that historically gold has disappointed on several of its purported virtues. In order to fully understand the purpose of gold, one must look back to the start of the gold market. While gold’s history began in 2000 B.C, when the ancient Egyptians started forming jewelry, it wasn’t until 560 B.C. that gold started to act as a currency. At that time, merchants wanted to create a standardized and easily transferable form of money that would simplify trade. The creation of a gold coin stamped with a seal seemed to be the answer, as gold jewelry was already widely accepted and recognized throughout various corners of the earth.